Who We Are
Forest Hill Community Church is a local Christian faith commmunity where people from all walks of life can enter into a relationship with God, follow the teaching of Jesus, and together make a difference in the world.
Staff Team

Nigel - Pastor
Nigel is a pastor and the Team Leader of Forest Hill Community Church, and has led the church for many years. Seemingly everyone in South East London knows him, which is handy.

Jo - Associate Pastor
Jo is our Associate Pastor. She worked in East Africa for ten years and loves meeting people from other cultures. She enjoys hospitality. She loves walking and doing Zumba.

Paul - Assistant Pastor
Paul Rook was appointed our new Assistant Pastor in May 2024. He has particular responsibility for Young Adults, Youth and children. He loves football and burgers, but has plenty of height so he doesn't put on weight!

Dragana - Administrator
Dragana is our part-time Admin & Communications Officer and helps the office run more smoothly.

Trustees & Leadership Team
Leadership Team
The Leadership Team is made up of staff and volunteers nominated by members of the church. It meets once a month to oversee the overall vision and direction of the church.
Our fantastic team of trustees hold the legal and financial responsibility of the church and provide accountability for the Leadership Team.

Our Beliefs, Vision and Values
We are:
- A free church - not a part of a traditional denomination
- Charismatic - open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Evangelical - bible-believing
- Evangelistic - committed to making the Gospel of Jesus’ Kingdom known
We hold to the ancient Apostle’s and Nicene creeds. As a member of the Evangelical Alliance we affirm its Basis of Faith.
Our Vision:
As we love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength, and our neighbours as ourselves, we play our part in the wonderful adventure of bringing in more of God’s Kingdom by:
• Presenting the message of Jesus to the people of Forest Hill, Sydenham and beyond, with words, actions, and signs, and seeing people come to faith in Jesus.
• Seeing people grow as disciples of Jesus, being rooted and grounded in God’s love, and fruitful in reaching out to, and discipling others.
• Creating community in a fragmented world, offering a warm welcome, and nurturing a multi-cultural expression of church.
• Encouraging youth and children to get to know Jesus, and find their identity in him. Supporting parents as they nurture and guide their children in times of great challenge and exciting opportunity.
• Sending and supporting workers wherever God has called them in the world. Contributing to God’s global mandate by praying, giving, and going.
Our Values:
Everyone Welcome
Each person is an image-bearer of God and is loved, invited and sought by Jesus. As a church we aim to model that love, invitation, and welcome.
Everyone Growing
Discipleship is allowing Jesus to transform our lives to be more in his image. All we do as a church should facilitate that discipleship adventure.
Everyone Involved
We all bring something vital to the life of the church. Every follower of Jesus is equipped by the Holy Spirit with spiritual gifts to serve.
Everyone Going
As a church and as individuals, Jesus is inviting us to be a part of his mission in the world, wherever that might lead.
Our Networks

We are members of Pioneer, a relational network of chuches. There are around 100 churches in the UK connected to Pioneer, 20 of which are in or near London. Pioneer offer fellowship, training, and support to us.

Transform Network
Transform Network is a relationship-based partnership of local churches in South East London. We support each other by running joint events, sharing resources and training leaders together. Transform Network operates Lewisham Foodbank.

Evangelical Alliance
As a church we are members of the Evangelical Alliance. This is an important umbrella body for like-minded churches across the country. The EA works to unite Christians locally, nationally and globally in shared mission.

iNet is our partner in sending and supporting our cross-cultural workers. iNet believes that world mission is a primary responsibility of local churches. Its vision statement is ‘local churches together in global mission’.

New Wine
We identify with the New Wine network. We benefit from local minister's core groups, leadership training and access to an excellent summer conference.

Churches Together
Our partnership with Churches Together in Sydenham and Forest Hill is an important way for us to work together with other parts of Jesus’ body in our local area.